Choosing a Building Management System

What Is Building Management Systems

A building automation system is also known as a building management system or BMS. The building management system is put in place to control buildings’ electrical and mechanical equipment. The type of equipment that BMS controls are fire systems, power systems, security systems, lighting, and ventilation.

All these systems are controlled by one central computer-based control system. The types of software and hardware that is utilized in BMS are internet protocols, BACnet, SOAP, and DeviceNet. The various different software and hardware that are used are also configured from more superior to less superior.

When it comes to BMS it is usually used on big projects, not small ones. The project usually has extensive electrical systems, mechanical systems, and HVAC systems. When it comes to managing energy inside of a commercial building the BMS system is key to accomplishing this goal. If a building does have a BMS system it usually accounts for 40% of the building’s energy usage and if any form of lighting is included in the BMS system then this energy usage number increases 30% more. 

What To Look For When Choosing A BMS

When a facility manager is looking to choose the proper BMS there are certain goals that the system should help the company and facilities manager accomplish. The goals that the BMS should accomplish are an increase in productivity, the ability to reserve resources, and the ability to cut costs. If a facility manager purchases a BMS that accomplishes these goals this is exactly what the facility manager is looking for.

Another goal of a properly functioning BMS is that it should make the operation of a building easy and functioning with fluidity. The three key components that keep a BMS functioning on a high level are sensors, software, and control module. All three of these key components work in conjunction to keep all of the various different systems of a commercial building operating on one accord.

Other Systems That BMS Regulates

There are other important aspects of a building that need to be regulated such as the temperature. The reason why temperature management is important for any building is that if it is managed right it helps the building to be more energy-efficient, environmentally sustained, and it helps to keep maintenance costs down. Besides all the savings in different areas that you get if the temperature is controlled properly there are also human needs that can be met as well such as providing building occupants with a comfortable temperature. A quality BMS should be able to provide whatever building it is used in a high-performance temperature control system that will be able to last for many, many years. 

The Must-Have Criteria Of A BMS

The key criteria that are associated with building management systems are having detailed reports, open data communication, flexibility, service support, and a proven track record. It is important that a BMS provides a facility with detailed reports so they have the information needed to see what system corrections need to take place, how to maximize the building’s performance, and how to take any progressive actions if needed. Open data communication is needed within a BMS because it allows for the integration of all the key systems needed to operate a properly functioning building.

The reason why the BMS needs flexibility is that any additions, upgrades, and changes that need to be made should be able to happen smoothly. If a BMS has great service support this ensures that they will be able to fix any maintenance or equipment issues that may occur. Lastly but one of the most important criteria is to select a BMS that has a solid history within the industry of being an expert and a proven track record of providing building solutions.