The preparations for a new school year can be both intimidating and overwhelming. Whether you spent your year-end holidays working or relaxing, the transition to a systematic schedule can be a challenge and you may find yourself in a frenzy. Though, there are some ways through which you can avoid that.
It’s important to get yourself physically and mentally prepared for an exciting year ahead. A number of adjustments to your daily habits, coordinating your supplies and mental preparation can help in boosting your confidence. After school programs also offer confidence-boosting sessions that help you in dealing with new school year challenges.
Top 03 Tips to get ready for the New School Year
Organize your study table
After the exams are over, many students leave their notes on their study table while they are out celebrating post-exam holidays. After working really hard for the past few months, students don’t have time to clear out this year’s junk. With the arrival of the new school year, you start realising the importance of revisiting last year’s notes and materials, as the teachers often expect students to remember what was taught last year.
But after working hard on practice lessons and homework last year, you need to be confident in your knowledge and put aside the past year’s stuff. Dedicate a day or half to get rid of this clutter. A clean study table will help you get ready for the next year in a clean state. This will enhance your confidence and efficiency when it comes to locating your missing study materials and homework. Also, being organised will offer you more space to do your homework rather than working from your bed. Many early childhood education programs also educates children on how to organise their stuffs and study materials before even joining their school.
Set up New Routines and Good Habits
With the emergence of a new year, try replacing your bad habits with good ones. You may be used to packing your bag 10 minutes before leaving home, and then realising that you forgot one of your important notebooks. What a chaotic situation right? With the beginning of the new school year, try packing your school bag the night before. Take a pair of school uniforms and keep them somewhere accessible.
Due to the competitive learning environment, teachers may start dishing out homework in the first week, or if you’re lucky, the second week of school. Try completing your homework in a timely manner, instead of leaving everything for the due date of the assignment. You can join after school programs to get additional help and support regarding your studies and homework. It is also recommended to prepare and use a to-do list that will help you put everything on track.
Sort out the school supplies and uniform
A list of supplies is typically provided by schools that students need to get before the start of the new school year. Equip sufficiently and check you have all the required textbooks, assignment books, workbooks and stationeries. If any of the titles are out of stock at offline or online stores, make sure to check once at your school bookstore and ask them to inform you when they are available. You must also check on your school uniform whether it is in good condition or not. There are chances of ending up with short pants as you’ve outgrown them.
You can get yourself a new school bag or a folder for collecting loose sheets of your homework. A new water bottle can also be a good option to keep yourself hydrated being in a class or while doing your homework.
Wrapping It Up
Being one of the best after school programs, Kumon suggests the above-mentioned tips you can do a week before the school reopens to get a good start for your new school year. But no matter how you have prepared yourself, be open-minded and try making new friends. In fact, they are the ones you’ll be spending a great time within the upcoming school year.