What happens if hydrosalpinx is left untreated?

Humans are built with many body systems that function to help humans live and survive. The human reproductive system plays a role not only for expanding human lineage but also helps the many bodies system to work well. This is thanks to hormones involved in the reproductive system. However, there are differences in the male and female reproductive system in terms of changes that involve within the process. The female reproductive system constantly has changes and stages compared to male. This is why it is important to take care of your health to ensure all body systems work properly.
One of the many diseases affecting the reproductive system in females is hydrosalpinx. Hydrosalpinx is a blocked, dilated and fluid-filled of the fallopian tube. It often occurs at the end of the fallopian tube that connects to the ovary (fimbria end). It may also occur at the other end of the tube attached to the uterus. If hydrosalpinx is left untreated, it can lead to infertility issues.
Previous infections are the most common causes for hydrosalpinx. Most common cause is pelvic infection (pelvic inflammatory disease), resulting from sexually transmitted disease such as chlamydia. Previous surgery to the pelvic area, particularly around the fallopian tube, may be the cause for hydrosalpinx. Other causes of the blocked fallopian tubes include endometriosis, other infection such as from appendicitis and adhesion in the pelvic region.
Many people that have hydrosalpinx do not experience symptoms. This is why many find out that they do have hydrosalpinx as they have difficulty conceiving. Those who do experience hydrosalpinx may have constant pain in the pelvis or lower abdomen. The pain tends to get worse during and after a menstrual period. Patients may also have unusual vaginal discharge.
Since diagnosis solely on physical examination and patient’s history can be difficult, doctors often use additional tests or methods to evaluate the fallopian tube. There are few methods used by doctors. First is hysterosalpingogram (HSG). This method uses injection into the uterus through the cervix (neck of the womb) and then using x-ray to see the liquid. In hydrosalpinx, the liquid is trapped in the fallopian tubes. Second is ultrasound. During an ultrasound, the tube appear enlarged in severe hydrosalpinx. Third is laparoscopy. Laparoscopy can be considered as minimal invasive surgery or keyhole surgery to help diagnose hydrosalpinx by directly looking at the fallopian tube. Doctors may use CT or MRI scan in some cases.
Why is hydrosalpinx often associated with infertility? Before understanding that, we have to understand what fallopian tube does. During conception, the egg travels from the ovary to the uterus via the fallopian tube. When there is blockage to the fallopian tube, it prevents the egg from passing down to the tube. This means that the sperm are unable to reach the egg and fertilise. When only one fallopian tube is blocked, it may be possible to conceive without intervention. However, the fluid buildup from the affected tube can leak into the uterus. This eventually prevented pregnancy from occurring. Thus, to leave hydrosalpinx untreated means higher chances for infertility.
Treatment depends on the severity of the blockage. Doctors may recommend laparoscopic surgery to remove adhesion or scars to the fallopian tube. Another surgery known as salpingectomy may be done to restore fertility. Salpingectomy is a procedure that removes a certain part or total removal of the affected tube. If endometriosis is the cause for hydrosalpinx, removal of the endometrial growth should improve the outcome of the affected tube. In the case of PID, antibiotics are usually the way to treat the remaining infections. Patients who are unable to conceive despite getting surgery, may want to undergo in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) for better chances at pregnancy.
It can be concluded that hydrosalpinx is the blocked or dilated fallopian tube. In most cases, patients do not have symptoms and often are findings when infertility issues arise. In some patients, symptoms can resemble PID and other diseases affecting the uterus such as endometriosis. Those with hydrosalpinx tend to get treatment to improve their fertility and increase chances for a successful pregnancy. Treatment will depend on its causes. This is very true if both of the fallopian tubes are affected. In case of only one affected tube, the patient may be able to conceive and the affected tube is left alone unless there are already symptoms or have problems conceiving.
While it may be entirely impossible to prevent hydrosalpinx, there are ways a person can reduce the likelihood to develop it. This includes taking steps to reduce sexually transmitted diseases. Simple steps such as proper hygiene during sexual intercourse and wearing a condom can be a great way to reduce chances for infection. Once a person has symptoms related to infection of the lower abdomen, it is best to get checked and receive early treatment.
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