Can I receive my certified translation services in dubai over the internet?

Know the rules for requesting your certified Translation in Dubai and understand if you can receive yours online.

Nowadays, we can do a lot on the internet: buy products and services, issue guides from some agencies, request a passport, request a visa, make an appointment, hire insurance. There are many options. But is it possible to receive a certified translation over the internet? 

The answer to that question is not that simple. You can even request and receive a certified translation over the internet , there are a number of rules and details to be observed to determine the validity of this document. This is because certified translation is an official tool, and therefore is subject to specific regulations.

Certified translation

A certified translation is the translation of a document from its original language to the target language performed by a certified translator , also known as public translator. To be able to perform this function, the translator must pass a competition and then enroll in the Commercial Board of the state where he resides. 

The purpose of certified translation is to allow a document originating in one country to be accepted by public bodies and institutions in a country whose official language is another. By itself, it is not valid, and must always accompany the original. 

Some cases where certified translation is required it is to enter a study abroad program, take up a job in another country or try to achieve dual citizenship.

But, after all, can I receive my certified translation over the internet ? Let’s say what power you can, because the translator will be able to send you a digital file with the translation so that you can make a prior consultation. However, it is very important to emphasize that this document will have no validity. 

For the certified translation to be accepted, it is mandatory that it be printed by the certified translator in two copies: one copy for the client and another copy for the registration books of your Board of Trade. This impression must be made on the official (letterhead) paper of the public translator, that is, there is no point in receiving a file by e-mail and printing it.

In addition, the certified translator’s signature on the translated document must be notarized, accompanied by the original document. Also, at the end of the translated document, the public translator must make use of mechanisms that make the possibility of fraud as difficult as possible, such as the application of stamps or stamps – something that would not be possible in a translation delivered over the internet. 

Just think of a normal document: just as you would not be able to leave the country with a homemade copy of your passport, the presentation of the original document being mandatory, a certified translation must also be presented in its original version, printed by the translator.

Can I request a certified translation over the internet?

Again, the answer will not be just “yes” or “no”. You can instead search for certified translators in your state (or other states) at their respective trade boards and ask any questions. In addition, you can also send a scanned version of the document for the certified translator to evaluate and provide you with a budget estimate for the service. 

However, you should keep in mind that there are rules for submitting a certified translation , including determinations on the structure of that document. The elements can vary according to the Commercial Board of each state, but, in general, the following points must be observed:

  1. a) the number of the translation, the book and the page on which the translation was registered must appear in the first line of the certified translation , and these data must be repeated on all the pages of the document;
  2. b) the certified translation must present an opening statement containing the full name of the translator, his registration number with the Commercial Registry of the state where he resides, his CPF number and the language for which he is qualified;
  3. c) it is mandatory for the translator to describe the type of document from which the translation was made (original, copy, fax, etc.);
  4. d) at the end, the document must present a closure indicating that the translated text reached the end plus location, date, name of the translator and signature. 

Note that by item c, the translator is obliged to describe in the certified translation the document from which he performed the translation. Certainly, it will be much more difficult for an official institution or public agency to accept a translation made from a file sent by email than made from the original document.

To facilitate the process, it is possible to make an agreement with the public translator and send an electronic copy of the document while the original is in transit, so that he can advance the work. In this case, the most usual is that at least a part of the translation fee be paid in advance. 

This, of course, does not apply to originally electronic documents. It may be that the client really needs the certified translation from an email or from a website, then the certified translator will describe that the translation was done from an electronic file. Note, however, that this is a different case, as it is a document that is electronic in nature, and not a document that was digitized and simply sent over the internet. When this is the case, it is recommended that the public translator print the document and stamp it on the back with his personal stamp, in addition to noting the data of the certified translation .