Reaching Cloud Collaboration Through Leadership

Collaboration technologies are at the very core of any modern business. These services allow for a faster and easier passing of information, let you upload data in a matter of seconds, work on documents, share your knowledge and leave comments. Most of the people who use collaboration tools admit its value. However, many businesses still question the feasibility of collaboration tools. Why does this happen? How do you make a client appreciate a collaborative digital environment? 

United versus uncoordinated tools

Before companies started providing complex cloud platforms, many businesses already used tools which enriched their collaboration techniques. Mostly those were instant messengers and e-mail (today we can also add social platforms to this list). You could still use email and other services for collaboration now, but all those scattered tools work separately and lack the unity that is vital for a successful business. While considering their options, businesses should take into account the following benefits of the cloud management services:

One supplier. While separate collaboration tools can be effective they all come from different suppliers, which makes management and support very difficult for the IT-department. United collaboration tool is managed by one company that provides all the necessary software, usually in the form of a browser-based environment (like TeamWox). Most suppliers of collaboration solutions can help you customize your platform, so that you could choose the tools you need the most.

Common information storage. While using collaboration SaaS you can have all the information you need stored right in the cloud. There is no need to switch between different solutions to download or upload data, or to go to a separate app to comment on the task. With a collaboration platform you can do all those things from any place, using any device you like. An excellent example of this is MS Project, which has been shown to consistently improve productivity and dissemination of business-critical information. 

Sharing knowledge. One of the main reasons why workers do not want to collaborate is their reluctance to share knowledge. Separate communication technologies divide the workers in the office. Unified collaboration platform stimulates the employees to work together and have a common experience. 

Staying mobile. Forrester Research stated in 2011, that only a small percent of office workers tend to use SaaS in their everyday routine. The situation drastically changes when we consider the usage of cloud platforms by workers who spend their time commuting, working from home, from client’s site or from the road while in transit. Such consumers tend to use collaboration technologies the most. Therefore, companies need to use SaaS as they provide a unified working environment for all types of devices including desktop computers, laptops, smartphones and tablets, that become increasingly popular among mobile workers all around the world. Separate collaboration tools like email or IM, simply couldn’t provide the necessary level of support for users on different platforms.

Agility. This particular quality of cloud systems is more important to the early adopters of the technology than new functions or speed. Agility becomes essential in today’s business landscape, as the weak and changing economy forces many big companies to quickly change their strategic direction. To do so one has to use tools that allow employees to easily share information will colleagues, as well as with those outside the corporate firewall: partners, suppliers, clients. Such systems enrich collective work and save time and money.