What You Should Be Doing After A Car Crash

If you’re someone who needs to drive regularly, statistics determine that there’s a good chance you’ve been involved in a car accident, however minor. It’s an unfortunate fact that car crashes can occur at any time on the roads, and one of the most difficult things drivers have to manage is managing the aftermath of an accident. With all the adrenaline rushing through your system and your car damaged, knowing what to do in those moments can be made all the more difficult due to logic being thrown out of the window. There are some things you can keep in mind if you do experience a car accident, though, and knowing these things can make a difficult situation much easier – read on to learn what they are.
The first things you should be considering after a crash
Although you might have thoughts of car accident lawyers in Melbourne rushing through your head after an accident, you should first take a few moments to process some other things first. After all, there are a few duties and obligations you’re required to fulfil as someone who is involved in an accident. Firstly, if you’re responsible for crashing into another vehicle, you must immediately stop (when and where it is safe, of course) and put your hazard lights on. Then, when it’s safe to exit your vehicle you should approach the other vehicle to check on whether they’re alright – if they need medical assistance, call an ambulance immediately. You must then wait at the scene until emergency services arrive – you should keep in mind it is not necessary to call the police if an incident is minor, however. If you can, you should be both moving your vehicles to a quieter location if you’re currently in the flow of traffic, but if you aren’t able to move a vehicle due to the crash simply leave the hazards on and stay off the road until emergency services arrive.
Recording the crucial information
It is important to then collect as many details as you can from the other individual involved and record the details of any witnesses in the event they need to be contacted during the insurance claims process. Details of the other party must include at a minimum the name and address of the individual – this is required by law and you should call the police if these are denied. Supplementary information should include their full name, address and contact details (such as phone number and email address). You should also make note of the other vehicles’ registration numbers, the make and model of vehicles involved and the other individual’s insurance company. For the purpose of keeping accurate results of everything that occurred, record the time, date, and location of the crash and everything you can remember about the event. So you don’t forget at a later date, record the street names and position of any vehicles involved – pictures taken with your pone can help a great deal with this.
The next steps
If you’re car is in a driveable condition, you may drive home after you’ve collected details and start your insurance claim. It is also possible that you might need to report the incident to the police – a crash needs to be reported if it resulted in bodily harm to an individual, caused more than $3000 worth of damage to all property involved or if the owner of the damaged property isn’t present.
I am Daisy Bell and a pro-level blogger with years of experience in writing for multiple industries. I have extensive knowledge of Food, Fitness, Healthcare, business, fashion, and many other popular niches. I have post graduated in arts and have a keen interest in traveling.