What you should do if you have an emergency HVAC issue

Do you hear a humming noise in your house that’s keeping you up every night? What about a ticking or a click-clocking noise coming from your basement? Worse yet, do you go from one room to the next you and notice a significant change in temperatures? These conditions are prime examples that you have an issue with your HVAC unit. Before you make an emergency call to your local HVAC company, follow these steps.

Assess temperatures inside and out

If the temperature inside your home is bearable, it’s likely you can wait until business hours, so you don’t have to pay an emergency appointment fee. If the temperature inside your home drops below 50 degrees or is hotter than 90 degrees, this can cause serious health issues. In that case, you should pay the fee for an emergency HVAC company visit.

Assess the noise culprit

When you describe the issue with your technician, you’ll want to make sure you explain what the noise sounds like. They may tell you that it is dangerous and to turn off your machine or to walk outside and wait for them to come access the issue.

A loud screeching noise is often caused by a belt that’s came loose. It can also be a sign of a pressure level that has increased to dangerous levels. Be sure you assess the sound you hear for a proper explanation.

Smell out the problem 

If you smell something burning, you need to contact your HVAC company right away. Burning smells are not something to mess around with and can be a sign of an electrical issue. You may also want to leave your home in the event that the electrical issue sparks a fire.

Check your vents for airflow

If you check your vents and notice airflow is not passing through them, this is an easy indicator that there is an issue that needs to be repaired. Turn off your machine and wait until business hours to schedule an appointment.