If you are looking for a place to start a new job and life in general – Germany might be just fine for you, as long as you value clean and aesthetic places with a very good standard of living. Even though it might sound a bit cliche – it’s really one of the best descriptions of this country we can give you. What should you know?
Some facts about Germany
The capital is located in Berlin and with a population of 83 million people, Germany is one of the most populated countries not only in Europe, but also in the whole world. Also the economy of the country is one of the best, so it’s a good opportunity for someone looking for a fresh start.
The weather – how is it like?
We won’t try to convince you, that the weather is simply amazing, the sun is shining almost all the time and the temperatures never fall below 15 degrees. The German weather can be compared to the one in London or Seattle for those, who are more familiar with this part of the world. When it’s sunny, then so it is, but, to be honest, it’s not so often, especially during winter months.
In the summer, the weather iscomparable to many countries in the world: some of the days are really sunny and warm and others – rather cold and rainy. All in all, if you have nothing against some days with bad weather – this is a good place for you. However, if you are looking for a really warm location – you may want to look somewhere else.
Medical care
This is one of the biggest advantages of Germany: the healthcare is really good and not so expensive, compared to many countries in the world. What is more, many healthcare providers have doctors and nurses, which are able to communicate in English with you, which is really important, if you don’t really speak German.
Work in Germany
As we mentioned before, the German economy is in a really good shape, so it’s a great place to live. Many interesting job opportunities and high income can give you a good quality of life. However, keep in mind, that it would be good to catch at least a few phrases in German. While English is sort of common tongue for the whole world, showing your potential employer, that you are willing to learn some things and words in their language can go a great way for you.
While preparing your German CV, don’t forget to mention all the experience in a given field. Please note, that most of German workers are detail focused, so it might be a good idea to stay as specific as possible.
To sum up, Germany might be a great place to live for someone, who is looking for a good quality of life and is not very attached to hot days and nights throughout the year.