Golden Tips To Crack College Interview

9 Secrets of Cracking College Interview That Every Aspirant Should Know
You tend to get nervous when a college interview is round the corner. Not all colleges require you to go for an interview but if a college of your choice does, you should be better prepared and make use of this opportunity up to your own benefit.
Know the weightage College Gives to the Interview Process:
Before going to the interview, you need to find out how much weightage that college would give to the interview process so that you can be prepared according to that. There are so many top-tier colleges where the interview is only for the sake of evaluation and there are others where a tougher process is applied. You need to be careful about how the interview would be.
Review Your Application:
It is good to remember that the interviewers pick up some quick questions from the application and hence it is good to go through your application material carefully as a possible conversation can take place about your certificates, your previous qualifications and colleges.
Make a Good First Impression by Dressing Smartly:
Dressing is done to impress. It makes the first impression. You just need to keep in mind that since it is not a job interview, you do not have to appear overtly professional. But, you need to look smarter, more confident and neater. Also, you need to keep in mind that selecting what you wear depends on the course you want to apply for. If you are applying for a B-School, you need to look more polished, wear western formals and should choose more innovative designs. You can take help of experts like Assignment help to know how to dress appropriately for the interview.
Remember to be on Time:
Your punctuality really matters so do not be late for your interview. It is good to appear 15 minutes before the schedule of interview or earlier than that. You can make use of the additional time for knowing campus and its facility in a better way. If you get late it would project you in bad light and ruin your very first impression. There are professional assignment writing agencies like My Assignment Help that can guide you about how to be punctual and create a good impression.
Practice a Few Basic Questions:
There are a few basic questions that need to be practiced beforehand. You can try practicing these questions at home with their appropriate answers. The questions that are likely to be asked would be: why do you want to join this college, what is your greatest strengths and weakness. If you want to be confident in answering these questions without any rambling, be prepared. The chances of your success get doubled. You can be asked about your favorite sports, about your favorite game etc. You should not memorize the replies but just frame out the appropriate answers in your mind.
Display a Positive and Attractive Personality:
Just keep in mind that your approach towards the interview matters the most and hence there are some attractive personality attributes that you need to flaunt. Always remember to smile when you talk, be confident and maintain an eye contact, be patient and attentive and have a good sitting posture. A good sense of humor will be a huge bonus. Try to be as humble as you can and display a positive body language. You are checked for your confidence and your positive attitude.
Also, remember if you feel you have connection to anybody in the interview panel directly or indirectly, do mention that. Do not worry; it works in your favor. Just be polite all through the interview and avoid nervous body language like biting your nails, twisting and twirling hair etc.
Speak Intelligently as Language Matters the Most:
Take care of not using any slangs or commonly used abbreviated forms. What type of language you use and how effectively you communicate matters more than you think. Just relax and be attentive, listen to their questions patiently and frame your answers before speaking.
Talk about Your Past Achievements:
Do not shy away from talking about your achievements. Talk in length about what sets you apart from other students. If you have been excellent in music, sports, debates, theaters, acting or any other sort of activity, let the interviewers know that you are different and can prove to be an asset for their college.
Enjoy the Entire Interview Process:
Last but not the least, keep yourself relaxed! Be polite all through the interview and feel confident throughout the process. This is what interviewing panel wants from you. If you can display a confidence level, it will work for sure.
So, be prepared, be poised, be punctual and be polite.
About Author
Lucy Willor is a contributing writer to Nursing Assignment Help. She is a podcaster, style coach and has been a blogger and a professional blogger writing about fashion, beauty tips, personal development and motivation since 2010. She has her own well-established blogging website.