HomeHomeEverything You Need To Know About Heat

Choosing the right heating system is a significant and far-reaching decision, regardless of building a house or during (partial) renovation. Until a few years ago, heating oil, gas, or wood were the most common heating methods, but more advanced and, above all, more environmentally friendly energy sources are now being used. Check what is a heat pump
Heat pumps, in particular, are enjoying increasing popularity, as they are not only energy and cost-saving but also suitable for a wide variety of requirements thanks to the wide variety of types and designs. In many cases, the installation of heat pumps involves drilling. With its partners, KDS offers comprehensive solutions.
How Do Heat Pumps Work?
The basic functionality of heat pumps is relatively easy and quick to explain. The pumps use natural heat sources such as the ground, groundwater, or outside air and amplify the heat generated in a thermodynamic process. In the last step, the heat pump then transports the energy into the living area.
The positive thing about this is that the technology only uses renewable energy sources. Energy is only required to operate the pump, with consumption being highly efficient about the energy obtained.
What Advantages Do Heat Pumps Offer The End-User?
Installation and commissioning of heat pumps can often seem complex at first, but are usually easy to implement and represent the real added value in the long term is free. The energy consumption of the heat pumps is also comparatively low, especially with new models. Nevertheless, they provide enough energy to operate underfloor heating or radiators, for example.
Especially in modern and efficient building concepts, heat pumps can be perfectly integrated as they harmonize with energy-saving technologies. The installation of a heat pump should also be considered when renovating old buildings. Such heating systems can function perfectly, especially when the building structure has been renewed energy-efficiently. Depending on the building structure and property, brine-water or air-water heat pumps are usually installed here.
Which Funding Options Are Offered?
Heat pumps are no longer a rarity, and a far-reaching rethink has begun among end-users which needs annual inspections. Not least because technologies have improved a lot and traditional heating methods are becoming much more expensive. In both new buildings and renovation projects for an old building, you can count on some extensive subsidies for installing heat pumps.
The amount of funding ultimately depends on the building’s technical conditions and the type of heat pump installed. The best thing to do is to contact the funding agency in your federal state.