Techniques To Perform Mobile Testing

Mobile Application Testing is a process by which a developed application of a mobile device is tested for its functionality, consistency & usability. It can be automated and manual. It almost goes through the normal testing process, but the testing techniques may vary for mobile devices.
Importance of Mobile Application Testing
The mobile market is booming, mobile websites and Apps are exploding like anything in the market. Every business is trying to get the maximum benefits out of this mobile technology. With the exponential increase for mobile usage has led to mobile testing. Enterprises are focusing on creating mobile strategies and roadmap before implementing the application for their users. It became essential to develop an app with compelling features and functionalities which are beneficial to the customer. But it is more critical to have a robust testing plan and strategy before any app is developed. As the client is usually in millions for a particular product – and a product with bugs is never appreciated. It often results in monetary losses, legal issues, and irreparable brand image damage.
Challenges in Mobile Application Testing
Performing Mobile Testing is not an easy task, as it is different and much more complex from enterprise testing and website testing. Mobile applications have a smaller footprint on the virtual machine as opposed to a desktop application. Mobile Testing needs to be performed on a variety of software platforms, versions, hardware, network condition, and what makes it more complicated are the various devices, fast-changing mobile OS, the frequent introduction on new methods, and unpredictability of simulators.
A diverse range of mobile devices with different screen sizes and hardware configurations like a hard keypad, virtual keypad (touch screen) and trackball, etc.
Wide varieties of mobile devices like HTC, Samsung, Apple, and Nokia.
Types of Mobile Testing
When we talk about Mobile Device Testing, it can be categorized broadly in two segments;
Hardware testing/Mobile testing: This is to assure the quality of mobile devices. The device including the internal processors, internal hardware, screen sizes, resolution, space or memory, camera, radio, Bluetooth, WIFI, etc. This is sometimes referred to as merely “Mobile Testing.”
Software testing/Application testing: The applications that work on mobile devices and their functionality are tested. It is called the “Mobile Application Testing” to differentiate it from the earlier method. Even in mobile applications, few fundamental differences are essential to understand:
- Native apps: A native application is created for use on a platform like mobile and tablets. These applications get installed on the mobile device and often delivered from the App Store.
- Mobile web apps: Web applications as one accessed using a browser on the mobile device or server-side apps to access websites on mobile using different browsers like Chrome, Firefox by connecting to a cellular network or wireless network like WIFI.
- Hybrid apps: These are combinations of native app and web apps. Hybrid embeds a browser in a native application. These also run on devices, online or offline.